Teaching masterclasses at LUCA School of Arts in Leuven (BE)

Matthias Nauwelaerts will be teaching masterclasses piano at the Pianostage in Leuven (BE), organized by Jan Vermeulen.

Teachers include Jan Vermeulen, Joop Celis, Liebrecht Vanbeckevoort, Julien Libeer, Sylvia Thereza and many more.

The masterclasses will take place from July 30 – August 7 at LUCA School of Arts campus Lemmens. You will get during a week every day private piano lessons, instructed by different pianists and pedagogues.

You can practice daily on grand pianos and have a staying with private room (meals included).

Minimum age for inscription is 14 years. Deadline for applying: May 31, 2022

Applications: pianostage@janvermeulen.be
More information: Pianostage Leuven